News : Pathway Launches New Digital Delivery Application


PATHWAY, a virtual store specializing in the sale of smartphones and computers, of which our leader Luisa Senda is CEO, has just launched the newest digital delivery application "Ways Delivers of Pathway"

The goal is to help people and companies to sell and publicize their products to customers. The application and delivery includes all types of products. Restaurant owners, business people and people who want to enter the digital world can rent the Pathway sales software in real time and check their orders on the spot.

The application is completely free for companies that buy and use to place orders. They choose between 5 or more professionals who can monitor the process and update the system. There is no need for installation and it works on all equipment.

It does not need to be installed and is compatible for all types of devices. Easy to use, just customize, customizable.

Launch value: $ 2200.

There are 4 Applications in 1. 🎊1- ADMINISTRATION

2- Companies 3- Delivery of any merchandise!

Speaking about the launch of the new application to the largest Africa Magazine of women entrepreneurs, Luisa Senda said: “My aspirations are that my product can meet the needs of our consumers and that we succeed in sales internationally”.

Know more:…/lioness-launch-pathway-…

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